Update to ClassicPress 2.1 – September Edition

Welcome to a new season, new sets of update to ClassicPress 2.1. I had not posted a new post on this blog for over three months. I thought this was a good opportunity to post a few random updates.

What is new in Update to ClassicPress 2.1

This site now runs on ClassicPress version 2.1.1, running child theme of GeneratePress.

I will test out the default ClassicPress theme on this site in the coming days. If you are interested in checking out other themes for this awesome CMS, you can visit this link.In parallel, I am also catching up with the ClassicPress Forums. Any interesting posts- you will find in this post as and when it will be updated.

Image from classicpress dashboard showing update to ClassicPress

Some Features of the Update to ClassicPress 2.1

This update to ClassicPress version 2.1 is based on WordPress version 6.2. This update focuses on enhancing performance, security, and user experience. One of the standout advantages is the improved loading speed, which ensures faster page rendering and a smoother browsing experience for visitors. Additionally, ClassicPress 2.1 includes optimized code for better efficiency, reduced server resource usage, and enhanced compatibility with existing themes and plugins.

This post was published in the category ClassicPress Installation

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